Team TOC   Tecno Office Consult

Unser Team für Ihr Büroprojekt

Our team for your office project

Tecno Office Consult

Our vision

The focus is on people –
in all economic considerations, the hardware,
we must never forget people as the most important software.

Recognition of the movements of tomorrow, bringing together parts to form a whole. Before we get into the planning and optimisation of office worlds, we immerse ourselves in the culture and structure of the company.

We move office worlds – since 2003.

Our philosophy

As consultants we are soloists. Together we are a team. We work in your company as temporary employees

  • In the interdisciplinary control of business and organisational processes
  • Responsible for success and the right path
  • Pragmatic in the pursuit of targets
  • Cooperating with you as partners

Office worlds are organic and an integral part of our lives – we search for new dimensions and bring your office world to life. Despite all the seriousness behind changes necessary in successful companies, fun and the feel-good factor must not be overlooked – the most important pillar of a company is its employees.

Pushing internally imposed boundaries is a challenge for every company. A company can only pave the way for its future with a clear goal in mind that is geared toward success – first in the minds of employees and then in their offices.

Our team

The prerequisite for the success of your project

A captain who knows where the voyage is headed. And a professional team of architects, civil engineers, managers and economists with many years of experience in a wide variety of fields.

Back to the future … what was yesterday and is today will be different tomorrow. Recognition of the movements of tomorrow, bringing together individuals to form a whole. Ewald Stückler:

“Our strength as a consulting firm is our subtle immersion in corporate cultures and structures to achieve their economic success.”

Ewald Stückler

Ewald Stückler

Managing Director
Danijela Boljevic

Danijela Boljevic

Office Manager


Authorised Officer and Senior Consultant
DIPL. - ING. Tanja Divoky

DIPL. - ING. Tanja Divoky

Senior Consultant
 Francy Markovic BA

Francy Markovic BA

Senior Consultant
Julia Portner BA

Julia Portner BA

Junior Consultant
DI ARCH. Susanne Eder

DI ARCH. Susanne Eder

Team Lead Corporate Real Estate Management
Dr. Thomas Tautschnig

Dr. Thomas Tautschnig

Teamlead ESG
Roman Gschwenter

Roman Gschwenter

Teamlead FM & IT
DI Dr. Gernot Scherpke

DI Dr. Gernot Scherpke

Team Lead Building Certification & Inspection

ARCH. DI Marion Moser

Senior Consultant


We are a member of:




Like a precisely staged movie, only sustainable and responsible corporate management can lead to long-term success. ESG is not just a trend, but a strategic advantage that future-proofs your company and motivates your employees at the same time.


We analyze your business processes with regard to environmental, social and governance aspects. Together with you, we develop a tailor-made sustainability strategy that not only meets the legal requirements, but also strengthens your image and improves your market opportunities.


  • Sustainability analysis
  • Social responsibility and employee motivation
  • Improved governance structures


By comprehensively reviewing your ESG processes, we create a solid foundation for sustainable corporate success. Our formula for success: targeted ESG measures increase your added value and secure competitive advantages – today and in the future.